Ohio State assistant Ryan Pedon to be head coach

Two things stuck out. Doug Collins was heavily invested in the search and not a word on the current players.
Well, he sold me during his introductory press conference. Key points if you missed it:
  • Brennan met with Doug Collins for seven hours as a part of the search process. Goss-Kinzy also mentioned the importance of DC.
  • Brennan said, "Ryan is focused on building a program instead of assembling a team. (Direct shot at Muller? :LOL:)
  • Ryan is very humble, gave a shot out to all of the coaches who have gave him a chance from high school to today. Also got choked up talking about his family. He's passionate, that's for sure.
  • Ryan spoke to the job being of interest partially due to location and citied the "200 mile breadbasket," and put importance on recruiting the state along with Indy, St. Louis, and Milwaukee.
  • He said his style on the court will focus on doing the simile things right versus the complicated things okay. "Emphasis will be on ball and player movement and valuing efficiency. We'll play inside out, side to side and through the paint." He said recruiting post players is his priority because that's where his system starts.
  • Ryan said he'll recruit players to fit his system. System is the priority. "Trying to fit a round peg in a small hole isn't of interest."(Another thing we know Muller did, getting the best athlete/player available instead of developing and establishing a system.
He said the right thing with passion and has me excited to watch the Birds again with new hope. He didn't address current players and made a couple of references to "past players." I'm sure he's taken a look at the roster but hasn't given a ton of thought after that. I understand the players wanting to get home for Spring Break but it would've been interesting to have a team meeting today and then let them go.

There's a handful of players that could be valuable to keep for the transition that are clearly coachable and will do what is asked. Outside of that, I'd be fine with him getting the players he's talking about that fit his system.

I'll be rooting for Ohio State to get knocked out of the post season ASAP so he can be full-time here.
I’ll never understand why Dan didn’t parade through Chicago touting Paris Lee’s career. Instead he’d run to Florida and Georgia. 3 of the best players in the last 15 years are Chicago kids. O, Lee, Reeves. Throw in Yarbrough as far as talent goes too.
I’ll never understand why Dan didn’t parade through Chicago touting Paris Lee’s career. Instead he’d run to Florida and Georgia. 3 of the best players in the last 15 years are Chicago kids. O, Lee, Reeves. Throw in Yarbrough as far as talent goes too.
Yep. Was always my biggest problem with Dan. He was basically allergic to Chicago. Pedon has me fired up talking about the recruiting area that we have so sorely missed out on in recent years.
Was hoping there would be some mention of the new coaching staff. I am sure he has an idea of the coaches he wants on his staff, but I hope he can ink them before the end of the season so they can get started recruiting and so that any players that are recruited know what to expect from the coaching staff.
He said the right thing with passion and has me excited to watch the Birds again with new hope. He didn't address current players and made a couple of references to "past players." I'm sure he's taken a look at the roster but hasn't given a ton of thought after that. I understand the players wanting to get home for Spring Break but it would've been interesting to have a team meeting today and then let them go.
Hopefully after the BIG 10 tournament, he can make a quick 1 day trip to town to meet with the players. You would think that some will start to hit the portal this week.
I will say after watching a majority of the Ohio State game yesterday the bigs touch the ball almost every possession. It makes it easy having EJ Lidell, but we’ve seen success with Loyola being big heavy when they had Krutwig. Lots of movement. If we can run anything close I’ll be a fan.
Also an offense based around attacking with ball and player movement? Count me in. This past year our offense was just dribble dribble dribble while the other guys stood there. Then a guy would bring his defender up allow the other team to blitz the ball screen and force a turnover.
Also an offense based around attacking with ball and player movement? Count me in. This past year our offense was just dribble dribble dribble while the other guys stood there. Then a guy would bring his defender up allow the other team to blitz the ball screen and force a turnover.
Ohio State also did some screens for the screener. I know we’ve been begging for more than just the high ball screen every single possession.
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