ISU President Kinzy resigns


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2017
So elaborate a bit more. What would make a good BOT at Illinois State? Sincere question.
This is one of those topics that could be a lengthy reply so know that I am intentionally keeping it brief utilizing a few high level bullet points that immediately come to my mind when thinking about ISU's board of Trustees:
  • VESTED INTEREST....Board Members should have some vested interest in ISU and passion for helping ISU...such as being an alumni or relevant member of the ISU community. There have been many board members that are not part of the ISU community and appear to be part of the board to help their image vs help likely true political appointments.
  • INCLUDE SOME HEAVY BUSINESS HITTERS...such as a fortune 500 or 1,000 CFO or CEO. They bring lots of practical and meaningful board experience as well as rolodex (what a dated term) of contacts that could help ISU and their students. We have a large business school.....where the heck are our business leader alums?
  • LARGER BOARD COMPOSITION: How can 7,partially non-vested (IMO), board members realistically respond to all of the needs of ISU as respects to both long term and short term considerations? Further having more board members involved that care would likely bring not only more expertise but also more resources to ISU. It would be advantageous if the ISU board of trustees had many sub-boards including even one for athletics as I personally believe athletics is a huge marketing/image consideration for any large university. That could be done with a larger number of board members but not very practical with a board of 7. As an aside what is currently disappointing is that several ISU Board of Trustee positions are not filled. So now ISU is operating at a deficit as respects to Board oversight and expertise at a moment in time where it appears we have some sort of President/leadership crisis.
Just a few thoughts of the top of my bald head and I hope others can share their perspective about the ISU board.


Staff member
Jul 16, 2017
Redbird Country
I agree on the BOT having more ties to ISU. I understand that may not be 100% possible because it's a public school ran by the state but it should be a goal.


Staff member
Jul 16, 2017
Redbird Country
Also interesting comments from the new interim president.

Echoing comments he made during the meeting, Tarhule said he feels optimistic about ISU’s future, noting that for a time, things were “flat in a variety of ways.”

“I think we actually have the opportunity to make this an inflection point where ISU, if you will, comes out of its shell, and accomplishes (things) at a higher level and at a higher stage than we have done in the past,” he said.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2020