Gerry Pollard


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2017
I umpire high school, junior college and NAIA softball. Started with the young kids when I was still in high school, set it aside while my kids were active, and picked it back up about ten years ago.

Another point to be made is, many times, being AVAILABLE can be as much (if not more) important/trumps being ABLE. Around this area, during the week most college games start at 2:00 PM, high school at 4:00 PM (generally they are doubleheaders) - and the assignors want you there thirty minutes to an hour minimum ahead of start time. The higher you move up, the lesser number of teams competing at that level and the further distance you end up traveling for your assignment. So the pool of officials is limited to begin with, and the younger generation(s) do not think it is worth the hassle (and I haven't even mentioned that, in most instances, we are essentially independent contractors and have to cover our own expenses, including equipment, registration(s), training, travel and uniforms).

Lots of folks love the game but lack the job flexibility to be consistently available during core work hours. And, unless/until you get to the top level, it is not financially feasible to do it as your profession.

As a side note, I recall Dick Vitale praising Ed Hightower while calling Big Ten games (not sure Dickie V has ever been in a Missouri Valley venue as a announcer). One night he mentions Ed is the principal for Alton (IL) High School. I have always wondered just how effective a principal he truly was (or much better he could have been) had he not been spending his winter pinballing around the Midwest.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2017
Ed Hightower had/has TREMENDOUS respect as an educator.

Funny, after seeing him in person quite a number of times, I thought...just my opinion...that he was a bit overrated as a referee. Perfect demeanor for the trade, though. He gave respect and he got respect. To me that's a perfect trait of an official.


Active member
Jul 17, 2017
Back to the original subject of this post, I have witnessed Pollard become more and more insufferable over the years. He sanctimoniously lectures players. He makes horrible calls, like the one shown here. The best refs are invisible. Pollard quite obviously relishes drawing attention to himself.

I agree that officiating is a very difficult profession and they deserve respect and the benefit of the doubt. However, incompetence and showboating are simply unacceptable.


Staff member
Jul 16, 2017
Redbird Country
Tpguy said:
back in the day when I was President of the Pony league in our area, we had banned all fans from standing behind the screen because they were intimidating our volunteer umpires. It was mostly the mothers of the kids causing the problems.

Still in effect some places
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