2/22 - Senior Day - DU @ ISU [MVC-TV]


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2017
Redbirds win a close one. Jamar/Rico/Trey, in unison, all proceed to quote Tripper Harrison (Meatballs) - "it just doesn't matter". Then (much like a Spinal Tap drummer) all three simultaneously combust, leaving nothing but little green globules on our collective screens.

If nothing else, I do think the 'birds at least have a shot on Senior Day.

Illinois State 70, Drake 69
6:02 minutes in and we have yet to attempt a 2 point shot. Our offense must be tough to scout.
WoodlandWarrior said:
Not getting anything from Hillsman today. Bruninga should play more.

Agreed with this. His head is somewhere else today. Horne and Reeves have looked good.
WoodlandWarrior said:
Not getting anything from Hillsman today. Bruninga should play more.

Will not miss Zach, Hillsman, or Torres next year. Addition by subtraction.
WoodlandWarrior said:
Not getting anything from Hillsman today. Bruninga should play more.

I’d play Fisher first, but otherwise Taylor should be on floor with either Ndiaye or Rey( neither is great by themselves- can’t understand how they can’t see the difference for all these guys when you put two of them on court together - it would create a matchup challenge for Drake’s lineup.
Thankfully Muller pulled Copeland. Fisher, Reeves, Horne and Taylor all had good games. Fisher a great one. Torres played well down the stretch. The underclassman didn't want to lose this game.
That’s the definition of winning ugly. ONE basket and 5 points in last 8:21.
P.S. for all those that dislike Torres he made the big plays in the last minute to get us the win.
Win is a win. Really happy for players. Fisher had a monster second half. The lineup change really freed him up offensively and kept him from getting his 4/5 fouls in the 2nd half; Copeland hurt his hand. I think JC didn’t see the floor because of lack of defense, but never know for sure. Commitment to get to the paint “re-emerged” in second half. Not sure if that is lack of message or the make-up on the floor first half, but they should play the guys that helped them succeed today. I think we may have went longest interval without a sub this season. This might have been the result of short bench, but I thought players had time to begin to figure out what worked without being shuffled; we all can go into Wednesday unified in a desire to beat the Gargoyles. Still games to win and nothing would be more satisfying than a win against Bradley going into theTourney- p.s. by Wednesday, the Birds are going to need a different zone look!
Another great 20 minute performance. The last 10 and first 10. Plus the last minute
So nice to see them finally pull one out. Up 11 or 12 midway through 2nd half, then it seemed as though it was going to be business as usual...which is not good. Nice win for sure.

Keith really did a good job on both sides of the ball against a very quality big. Man if he can offer the threat of a 3 like he did today, he'll be a weapon next year. But don't fall in love with it Keith. He finished on his bunnies quite a bit better today. And they were tough bunnies.

Not sure if anyone noticed but Taylor appeared to tweak his foot again...although he did reappear. I definitely think we're a better team with him on the floor. Wish he could get completely healthy.

I am a fan of Torres for this particular team. Why? He's the ONLY player on this team with a decent assist-to-turnover ratio and is the best on the team at getting other players involved. He does force some passes and will give it up on occasion but man who else do we have?? Not saying he's a great pg, not at all...but I do believe he's our best playmaker. Best 2 playmakers on team are Torres and Reeves, imo. Torres has been shuffled in and out of lineup, sometimes only playing 30 sec or min at a time with Dan's quick hook and has virtually not played at all recently. So very very tough to develop confidence or let alone a rhythm with that kind of in and out. I realize alot of our guys go through that. But so happy for Ricky to get those final 2 free throws in what has to be an incredibly frustrating year for him. He deserved it.

I don't mind DJ shooting but not comfortable at all when he's handling the ball.

Dan was definitely "passionate" today, you sideline police officers. Nice to see him smile after a game.

Congrats to all of the seniors associated with the team!! It was a pleasure to be there today.

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