National Dog Day!?, All Redbird Pets

Total Red

Well-known member
Staff member
Jul 17, 2017
One mile west of Hancock

This was George. A Yorkie big for his breed so we called him an Amazon York. He got me through some tough times. George was good for my health because he was always up for a walk and he could go out in almost any kind of weather. The only thing he didn't like was firecrackers. When the fireworks went off he would head for home and I had to run to keep up. He looks like a puppy with his blanket but he was about 12 when that picture was taken. George was always there to celebrate a Redbird Victory or to console after a defeat.
We have cats now. I didn't want another dog after George passed away. It's hard to get another dog after you've had the best.

Total Red

Well-known member
Staff member
Jul 17, 2017
One mile west of Hancock
Who can forget John Ridgeway and his Bearded Dragon? This should have been the new mascot. We could have had a promotion where the first 1,000 students entering the game get a Bearded Dragon. They could use them to pelt the opposing team as they enter the field. How's that for a unique tradition.
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