@Missouri State


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2017
We had our chances despite Dee being in foul trouble. . The Bears defense had out of sorts throughout the game.

Shannon really is stepping up.

We are going to need to win both Murray and Belmont next week to try and secure a bye
This is the first time in my life I have ever made a comment about the officials. I watched the fourth quarter. That was easily the worst officiating I have ever seen. The technical on Gillespie was absolutely bush league. Those were not college worth officials. Horrible refs.
This is the first time in my life I have ever made a comment about the officials. I watched the fourth quarter. That was easily the worst officiating I have ever seen. The technical on Gillespie was absolutely bush league. Those were not college worth officials. Horrible refs.
That technical was an "interesting" call. Some questionable calls both ways but more of the calls seemed to go MO St way. Need to get two wins this next weekend.
I have watched five or six of the Lady Redbirds games - it is like the officials have a contest on who can call the most fouls. There is no flow to the game - and everyone - players, coaches, fans - all get frustrated. Then the announcers are scared of their own shadow to mention the officiating. There was Zero explanation of the technical foul. The cameras clearly showed Coach Gillespie walking away from the call, down the bench towards the baseline - when she was whistled. Made NO Sense to anyone - the announcers were lost as well.
I have watched five or six of the Lady Redbirds games - it is like the officials have a contest on who can call the most fouls. There is no flow to the game - and everyone - players, coaches, fans - all get frustrated. Then the announcers are scared of their own shadow to mention the officiating. There was Zero explanation of the technical foul. The cameras clearly showed Coach Gillespie walking away from the call, down the bench towards the baseline - when she was whistled. Made NO Sense to anyone - the announcers were lost as well
The fouls and free throws were almost identical which is not bad for a road game. Don't know what happened on the T but coach was riding them hard all day long and I suspect she said the wrong word or they had just had heard enough. Dee lucky not to get a T for her reaction after 4th foul so I think Ts evened out. Those officials are also Big 10 and SEC officials. Called it both ways so can't complain too much. Looked like a very intense game and I think that is the best defense I have seen from us on the road.
Shannon was incredible. Thought the Belmont freshman would win FOY but Shannon may beat her out.
That Stokes is good and so so quick. Dont know how she made some of those shots.
Turnovers were a killer for us.
not the strongest crew, but give Mo St credit -for recognizing that Wilson is susceptible to the charge-they were waiting for her, and for preparing for when Wong turns her back to the defender opening an opportunity for steals coming from behind. I also don’t think Kate got one open look at top of key. Players have to adjust to the game and ours were clearly frustrated, challenged and it didn’t look like we adjusted much. On the other hand, they had nothing for Dowell, have to wonder why she didn’t get touches in last couple minutes and how much they will be working to lock her down in Moline. Ultimately, 21 turnovers aren’t going to win many. Need to win the next two - Go Birds!
Sometimes the guards over dribble and get picked. Also, to keep the defense honest..need to pump fake the pass and go back door. Burn them for over playing the passing lanes.
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