Garrett Hirsch transferring

Here it is
Never like to see this, but the "good news" must be that the younger guys are pretty decent and will get PT? Lose two starters, and a senior to be and part-time starter who got lots of PT is leaving? Good sign that Megginson will get his medical waiver?

Hope Garrett lands a decent place somewhere.
He was a fine Redbird. He'll depart with his degree. I can totally understand his desire to transfer for playing time.
Sorry to hear this .. he was part time starter as RS FR due to couple injuries. Then a full time starter as SO, but list his spot to Drew Bones the last 2 games in 2018. Then Bones started every game this year. This will hurt our depth for sure .. tough to lose a returning SR with starter experience. I wish him well wherever he lands.
Sorry to see Garrett leave the team but I am glad he is getting his degree from ISU. It will definitely hurt the depth as Fourth pointed out but what is best for Garrett is what is really important. For the vast majority of FCS players this is the last time they will play the game, only a very few make it to the next level. You are only young once and only have a short time frame in which to play. I can fully understand why he would want the chance to play/start and not be a backup on the 2020 Redbird Football team. I am sure all of Redbird nation wishes nothing but the best for this young man. Kudos to you Mr. Hirsch for hanging in there academically and obtaining your diploma this spring. All the best to you in the future. I hope you find a great University/Program to play at and that you start every game next season with great success. You will still be a Redbird however. Once a Redbird...always a Redbird! Best of luck to you!
I understand the desire for more playing time, so i hope Hirsch finds it somewhere at the D-I level. But I also think that next year is set up pretty well for the Redbirds. Sometimes a smaller piece of a bigger pie is more filling, or something like that.
StLRedbird said:
I understand the desire for more playing time, so i hope Hirsch finds it somewhere at the D-I level. But I also think that next year is set up pretty well for the Redbirds. Sometimes a smaller piece of a bigger pie is more filling, or something like that.

Big fish in a small pond!
I do not think he played at all last year. He was a starter for a while the previous year, but played his way out of that position.
Birdswin said:
I do not think he played at all last year. He was a starter for a while the previous year, but played his way out of that position.
And Drew Bones stepped up and played really well after Hirsch was injured. Next man up. Hate to see him go but thrilled that he gets another opportunity to play.

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DaveBird10 said:
Birdswin said:
I do not think he played at all last year. He was a starter for a while the previous year, but played his way out of that position.
And Drew Bones stepped up and played really well after Hirsch was injured. Next man up. Hate to see him go but thrilled that he gets another opportunity to play.

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Right. Spack said it wasn't anything Hirsch didn't do, it was what other guys did. You hate to see this happen to a kid that committed to ISU and gave it his all, right? But it happens.
StLRedbird said:
DaveBird10 said:
Birdswin said:
I do not think he played at all last year. He was a starter for a while the previous year, but played his way out of that position.
And Drew Bones stepped up and played really well after Hirsch was injured. Next man up. Hate to see him go but thrilled that he gets another opportunity to play.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
Right. Spack said it wasn't anything Hirsch didn't do, it was what other guys did. You hate to see this happen to a kid that committed to ISU and gave it his all, right? But it happens.

Spack was very glowing baout him. Plus he was a local kid from are HS. You can bet this was a very hard decision for him ... wish him nothing but the best.
Heading to Louisiana Monroe - good for him - a nice step up to prove himself. I think this shows a lot as to the level of OLs we have at ISU
topiarydan said:
Heading to Louisiana Monroe - good for him - a nice step up to prove himself. I think this shows a lot as to the level of OLs we have at ISU

Uhhh, good for Garrett, I have no problem with him leaving for more PT or whatever he's looking for.

But as for a "step up", I'm not so sure I'm willing to go that far. A quick look shows they've only had one winning season since the mid-nineties, someone correct me if I'm wrong, and that thanks to "our guy" Todd Berry, and that in 2012. So I'm not so sure ULM is a "step up", other than to FBS, even if the quality of ball isn't truly a step up. Sorry to sound so negative, topiary.
Since he's a local kid it's probably good for him to 'get out of town' and see some other part of the country. I hope he gets a lot of playing time there. Football is tough sport that makes practice even tougher when you're not playing much. It's not like basketball, etc.
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