Cefcu arena


Active member
Jul 17, 2017
Cefcu will pay 3.1 million over 10 years for the naming rights to redbird arena.
This will take some getting used to. Does ISU get these funds or do they go to Learfield?

Am I the only one who can’t stand “Toyota First Downs” at football games?
I get the alliteration - and the State Farm Center precedent down I-74 - but how do you call it anything but an arena?
I initially didn't like the idea, but I think I am coming around to it. I'll take $3.1 million, our athletic department needs to generate more revenue somehow. Are there any other facilities that the naming rights could be sold for other than the IPF?
It's fine. Fans will still refer to it as RBA. It's a no-brainer, really. But I'm in agreement with those thinking it's light. You've got a head MBB coach pulling in over 500k/year and still paying the last one for the next couple years or however they worked that out. Would've liked to see it get to at least 500k, but it is what it is.

It'll always be Redbird Arena until they tear it down and build something new in 50 years.

I'll also ad the poor precedent this sets. Now the bar is set for Hancock and the IPF. You aren't going to get more for either of those. Funny how it works, CEFCUs name goes on the building and then when you walk in you see PNC promoted heavily.
Frankly, I'm surprised this deal with CEFCU didn't happen years ago. I like the name Redbird Arena much better but it's just those times. My other surprise is that it wasn't a combo deal with Hancock. Stay tuned...

PS. This will help pay for the unique RA roof!
As far as the money...it's the best the market (our particular market, mind you) would bear given tremendously dwindling attendance in last half decade and overall drop in last 10-15. If we're pulling better attendance (like 90's figures)...the money would at least double. I wonder if there's an addendum on increased attendance...
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Funny how it works, CEFCUs name goes on the building and then when you walk in you see PNC promoted heavily.
I anticipate that will change. CEFCU pays this off by adding new accounts to their membership. (big time DUH! statement there sorry 'bout that)
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Food for thought. Illinois State University (BOT) can spend the money as they see fit, given it's a fully-owned University entity. Athletics doesn't own Redbird. You'd think every penny would go to athletics. But...

PS. Actually the students - from back in the day - in some way should be stockholders, sorta like the Packers...given they (including many of you, and me) contributed to it.
I am cool with this as other have said I am shocked this hasn't happened years ago. Call Redbird Arena whatever you want to call it, this is a much needed name change that had to be done and even though the $$$ may seem light its $3.1 million that the University can use.
It wills always be Redbird Arena, regardless of what other moniker is tagged to it. Also, $300k per year seems awfully light.
According to who? The athletic dept. that inked this deal will faithfully refer to it as Cefcu. The media will comply and refer to it as Cefcu. Every year a new group of students with little exposure to the old name will reference the building the way it is labeled and call it Cefcu. RBF.net will be the holdout. Fans that have known it as RA since the beginning and have that deeply ingrained in them will be the slowest to make the change, but they will gradually become marginalized. I'm fairly certain that RBF.net already has a thread with the title Cefcu arena. The new name has already made its way into the toughest market of acceptance.
Just have to invest this money at the casino then we'll have plenty in the coffers.
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