Twitter Changes, Recruiting Updates, and More

Bird Friend

Well-known member
Jul 17, 2017
With changes in the Twitter-verse, keeping up to date on who Birds coaches are contacting via Twitter has become exceedingly difficult. Musk recently shut down access to the API that allowed 3rd-party apps to get access to Twitter data. Those 3rd-party apps made it much easier to find data than the Twitter interface. I’m no longer convinced Twitter lists the people a coach is following in a way that’s helpful. In the 3rd-party apps, I could see the list showing the most recent follows at the top. Twitter seems to list them according to relevance, which is the only reason I can think of why every one of our coaches has Kirsten Gillespie listed 2nd in their lists of followers when I look at it. Maybe others see something different?

I’ve tried using Instagram, but I find that even more difficult and time-consuming to dig through to see if any of our coaches are contacting via Instagram.

All this to say two things:

First, updates will become fewer and farther between.

Second, if anyone wants to take over the Recruiting Board, I’m open to handing over the reins. If you want it, contact Quinn and he can make the final decision. If. Interested, I can then tell you how/why I’ve set it up as it is, as well as why I set up each recruit in the manner I do.
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