New Weisbecker Fund Changes


New member
Mar 2, 2018
How’s everyone feeling about the changes? I keep going from confusion to rage to feeling like it’s not too different overall. I don’t like having to do separate payments - but understand that if it helps facilitate tax reporting. Also, if I understand correctly, we’ll have to pay separately for parking going forward too. Feels like we’re getting slightly less “value” for similar spend. Appreciate hearing from others.


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2017
I don't understand the tax implications by splitting. I thought the the change about 3 - 4 years ago stated that any amount associated with tickets seeking no a donation. I don't understand how splitting your payments gets you around this. Does anyone have any further insights?

It seems like more rhetoric than any material change. That's why I keep thinking I am missing the tax point.


Active member
Jul 23, 2017
I guess it might help someone to more easily identify what is and what is not deductible. changes that I see-strictly by recollection, 1) no Redbird Room-of course it was “temporarily closed for use by COVID testing site” last year & beer is available regardless but no gathering locale other than Legends Room =add cost of passes $100 per. person (not towards points). 3). Football parking = additional $50, MBasketball Parking additional $100, Wbasketball/VB parking additional $? (All not toward points). 4) I think(not sure) away game and post-season ticket allocation was previously by total priority points and now It is by current year donor level and then priority


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2017
Well, after reading the guide and the conversation I had yesterday - the seat requirement is now a part of the season ticket renewal - for each sport. Any "donation" connected with seating is not tax deductible. Any donation given above the seat requirement amount - goes to one a many specific funds and is tax deductible. Thus, a simpler way to keep the two separated and alleviating the need to ask someone for additional funds when the seats they select for season tickets, require a higher amount than what that person gave earlier in the year as their donation. That is way I see it.


New member
Feb 26, 2022
I am not sure I like the charging for parking, legends room, or redbird club, etc. Seems like they are nickeling and diming people. Did anyone go to the Weisbecker Athletic Fund Town Hall Meeting?
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