Week one predictions

Very interesting. I predict the BS meter just went to 11.

Like '04 said, this is ridiculous. Wasn't their excuse that the artificial surface at Plaster had snow over ice and and that removing the ice would damage it? That sure looks like a picture of their soccer team on a cleared artificial surface. How do you penalize a school for something like this? I mean, it's just obviously using the cover of the pandemic to cheat, right? My esteem-o-meter for MOST just clicked down two notches. Still plenty of daylight between them and Bradley, though.
In 5 years football as we know it won’t exist. We live in a very soft world that gets softer by the day.
Get ready for D1 flag football...
Now expected high is 41 .... 37 at game time, but 41 by end of game. Sun will be shining on the field, the turf will be warm from the sun, and the winds are less than 10 mph

Somebody get a drone over that field tomorrow afternoon ... would love to find out MoST sneaks in a practice tomorrow with such favorable weather.

The more I think about this, the more pissed I get. How did they get away with this ... can't the league just say no !
Now expected high is 41 .... 37 at game time, but 41 by end of game. Sun will be shining on the field, the turf will be warm from the sun, and the winds are less than 10 mph

Somebody get a drone over that field tomorrow afternoon ... would love to find out MoST sneaks in a practice tomorrow with such favorable weather.

The more I think about this, the more pissed I get. How did they get away with this ... can't the league just say no !

Kern and the league aren’t doing a damn thing. He sucks and they suck.
Petrino is not known for being the most ethical of coaches. A leopard does not change his spots. He is probably already scanning the MOST volleyball team for a cycle ride companion when the weather breaks. In this day and age, I am not buying that they can't get the field in playing condition. The MVFC appears to be totally inept. I have no doubt there will be more to come from this guy.
Patty continues to show what an inept Commissioner she is. Randy ought to have an article in Sunday's Pantagraph with that picture and point what a crock of crap both Mo State Football and the MVFC has become.
Oh, isn't this precious from Coach Petrino - tweeting - That the Coaches and staff worked hard clearing the field on Friday so they could hold practice. Yeah, I guess the field is not safe to play on for a game on Saturday, but good enough to hold practice on Friday.
Oh, isn't this precious from Coach Petrino - tweeting - That the Coaches and staff worked hard clearing the field on Friday so they could hold practice. Yeah, I guess the field is not safe to play on for a game on Saturday, but good enough to hold practice on Friday.
I think this was an economic decision on MOSTs part. The superhuman efforts of Petrino & staff cleared the field, but what about getting the seating areas and concessions, parking, etc, ready to go? They didn’t want to take the time and effort to make it happen.
I think this was an economic decision on MOSTs part. The superhuman efforts of Petrino & staff cleared the field, but what about getting the seating areas and concessions, parking, etc, ready to go? They didn’t want to take the time and effort to make it happen.
They said the reasons were weather, playing field conditions, and participant safety. After pushback, they later explained that it was turf related...couldn't remove the ice without risking turf damage.

If it is something else, say so.

I would completely accept, "Our region has experienced tremendous difficulties due to recent extreme weather. Resources need to be directed to supporting our community." But that isn't what they meant.
They said the reasons were weather, playing field conditions, and participant safety. After pushback, they later explained that it was turf related...couldn't remove the ice without risking turf damage.

If it is something else, say so.

I would completely accept, "Our region has experienced tremendous difficulties due to recent extreme weather. Resources need to be directed to supporting our community." But that isn't what they meant.
except our field was perfectly clear, and our avg temp over prior 2 weeks was 10 degrees lower than Springfield, MO ... I checked the avg highs. I'm not sure who got more snow, or how much had accumulated to date.

But there is no way it was because of weather (42 and sunny, same as forecasted a week prior) or insurmountable field conditions ... plow it like everyone else did, then let the sun do what it does. It was their home opener .. surely they were preparing for this already .. right ??

I think it was combination of Petrino worrying about playing our defense in cold weather and then the economic hit for a weak turnout home opener ... nothing else. And then Petrino used leverage he shouldn't have had being 1st year coach in MVFC, compared to our 12 year guy .... and you can bet Petrino will be one and done if he does well at MoST this spring and next fall ... assuming he's even still there next fall. Could easily get OC job somewhere that pays a whole lot more than MoST HC job.

Patty V has some esplaining to do !!!!!!!!!!
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